Mathematica site license for Faculty and Staff

This information is for faculty and staff. For students, please see Licenses for students.


Installable Devices

This license allows installation on Tokyo Tech-owned PCs only, and does not allow installation on individually-owned PCs.

For faculty and staff, please follow these steps to install on your personal PC. (Click here for personal use by students.)

For faculty and staff, please click here for installation on individually-owned PCs. (For personal use by students, click here.)

Supported operating systems are Windows, MacOS, and Linux. For detailed system requirements, please refer to the Wolfram website.

Who can apply?

Full-time faculty members (including researchers) and part-time faculty members of Tokyo Tech
The administrator of the PC on which the software is to be installed must submit the application. Part-time faculty members can apply for the PCs they manage only.
Affiliation is confirmed based on the information registered in Slack for faculty and staff.
Please contact us if you are not registered due to being hired in the middle of the academic year, etc.
Applications from students and others that do not meet the requirements will be rejected. 
Students should use the student license.

Students should use a student license.


How to Use

Obtain a Wolfram ID

Visit the Wolfram User Portal to obtain an account.
If you do not have an account, you will not be able to download software. (Media will not be loaned).

Please enter, or as your email address to obtain an account.
If you register any other e-mail address, you will not be able to use the site license service.

Please apply with a email address if possible, as applications with the old domain( and email address will be discontinued after April 2025. If you apply with the old domain, you will be required to switch to

You will receive an email from info [at] wolfram [dot] com with the subject line “Validate your Wolfram ID“.
Click on the link in the body of the email to complete your account validation.


Obtaining an activation key

Only those who are qualified to apply for an activation key should perform the work. Please note that requests for activation keys from other persons will be rejected.

Please request an activation key using the activation key request form. 

Please obtain a Wolfram ID in advance.
If you already have a Wolfram ID and are logged in, the required information has been entered.
If you do not have a Wolfram ID, you can click “Continue without signing in » ” to proceed, but you will not be able to download the software.

Please enter an email address with the domain.
Entering any other email address will not be approved.

One activation key is required per unit.
If you intend to install the software on multiple machines, obtain multiple keys. Activation keys have an expiration date and must be renewed.
The number of available activation keys per user is now limited to four units. You can no longer apply for more than that.
Please deactivate any unneeded activation keys or refer to the license server.

1. Enter the required information
 Please enter your first name and last name in Roman characters as written. If you enter 2-byte characters, they will be garbled. The administrator will not be able to read them and will reject the application.

Please select Mathematica Japanese Edition For Sites x.x.x (Single Machine) as your product.
You cannot select a platform. 

2. An activation key will be issued.

You will receive an email from register [at] wolfram [dot] com with the subject line “Your new Mathematica activation key” with activation key information.
You can register your product at the URL in the body of the email. (You will not be able to download the product without registering.)

The activation key is valid for two weeks at the time it is issued.
The approval process is conducted after a staff member confirms that the applicant is in a position to make an application.
Once approved, the validity period will be extended.
The approval process is done on a rolling basis, but please note that in some cases it may take several days.

The activation key will then be available on the Wolfram User Portal.
If you have not obtained a Wolfram ID and have lost your key due to loss of email or other reasons, the Center will not be able to assist you.

Registering Your Product

1. Register your product via email notification of your activation key or through the Wolfram User Portal.
You will need to register your contact information. (If you have already registered, you can choose to do so.)
You must check your areas of interest. (Required) 

2. Once registered, the download center will be activated and you will be able to download products.


Using the Wolfram User Portal

To manage your Mathematica activation key and download software, you must obtain a Wolfram ID and use the Wolfram User Portal.

The home screen shows the latest information.


Using Services

Click on the “製品とサービス(Products and Services)” tab to select a product.
Products for which you have not issued an activation key or registered your product will not be displayed.

Click on Mathematica Japanese Edition for Sites.
You can check your activation key and download products.
If you have not registered your product, the download will not appear and you will be prompted to register your product.
If you are not using an earlier version of a product, the earlier version will not be available for download.
If you need it, please contact us using the Contact Us form.



To download the software, you must have obtained an activation key and registered your product.

1. Log in to the Wolfram User Portal and click on "Mathematica Japanese Edition for Sites" under the "製品とサービス(Products and Services)" tab. If you have not obtained an activation key, you may not see anything.

2. Click on Downloads. Or scroll to the bottom of the page.

3. Download products for any platform.



Please refer to the Wolfram website for installation instructions.



You must have completed the installation in advance and obtained an activation key.
Please refer to the Wolfram site for activation instructions.


Installing on Many Machines in a Classroom, etc.

A limit has been set on the number of machines for which you can apply for an activation key.
If you wish to install the software on more than 5 machines, you must proceed as follows
You can either build and use a license server or use TSUBAME's license server.


Building a License Server


Preparing a License Server

A license server must be built within the network accessible from the terminal where Mathematica will be installed.
The server does not need to be a special machine as long as it runs stably and can be installed on Windows, MacOS, or Linux.
Please follow the normal procedure for installing Mathematica on a terminal.


Obtaining a MathLM activation key

Please obtain an activation key for MathLM in advance.

Here, select “Network Mathematica Japanese Edition For Sites x.x.x (MathLM)”.
The number of control processes must be at least as many as the number of terminals to be used.


Download MathLM

1. Log in to the Wolfram User Portal and click on “Network Mathematica Japanese Edition for Sites” under the “製品とサービス(Products and Services)” tab.
If you have not obtained an activation key, you may not see anything.

2. Click on “ダウンロード(Download)". Or scroll to the bottom of the page.

3. Download the MathLM Mathematica License Manager.


Installing MathLM

1. check the Wolfram site for installation instructions.



The activation process refers to connecting to a license server as the activation method.

Enter the name of the server where you installed MathLM in Server Name.


Using TSUBAME's license server

You can use the license server provided by TSUBAME.
However, you will not be able to use it during the period when TSUBAME is out of service due to maintenance.

Please follow the normal procedure for installing Mathematica on your device.
The activation process refers to connecting to the license server as the activation method.

Enter "" or "" or "" as the server name. (This has changed with the start of TSUBAME4.0 service)


When installing on multiple stand-alone terminals


If for some reason you need to install the software on multiple stand-alone terminals and cannot build a license server in your LAN for reference, please contact us via "Contact as".

Home Use License for Faculty and Staff

We distribute a Home Use License that allows faculty and staff to install and use the software on non-university-owned PCs.
For details and conditions of use, please click here.

Please submit this application from the Wolfram website. Please enter “L2702-8299” as the license number and choose "A new home-use license". Please click "Continue".

Please check "Download: Sende it to me at the email address I specify" and your OS on the next screen.

For the e-mail address, please enter an e-mail address with the, or  domain. 

CII staff will perform the approval process based on the information in the staff record and STAR search. If the application cannot be verified, it will be rejected.

Once approved, you will receive an email from orders [at] wolfram [dot] com to the email address you submitted.
Follow the instructions to register your product through the Wolfram User Portal.
Follow the instructions to register your product from the Wolfram User Portal. Click “+Add Product” on the “製品とサービス(Products & Services)” page and enter the license number from the email to complete your user registration and add your product to the list.
Without this process, the application to use the product is not complete.
The installation procedure is the same as in the normal case.

Log in to the Wolfram User Portal, select Mathematica Japanese Edition Site Home Use from the “製品とサービス(Products and Services)” tab, and manage your license from Premier Service.
Up to one license is available per person.
In some cases, multiple units may be permitted, but if you apply for more than one unit at the same time, there is a high possibility that your application will be rejected.
You must delete your license when you leave Tokyo Tech due to retirement or other reasons.
You must also apply every year after the expiration date.


License Extension and Renewal

License Extension

When the expiration date approaches, you will receive a message that your license is about to expire. Normally, your license will be automatically extended and your activation key will be automatically extended as well.
When your license is automatically extended, you will receive an email with the subject line “Your (Network) Mathematica Japanese Edition for Sites activation key has been extended” ("Network" is for MathLM licenses only). 
On a PC connected to the Internet, the activation will be automatically performed and the expiration date will be extended, but if it is not automatically extended, you will need to obtain a password manually.

Enter your activation key and MathID here to obtain a password, and register the password with Mathematica to extend the expiration date.
Please visit the Wolfram site for more information.


License Renewal

When a new version of Mathematica becomes available, you will receive an email with the subject line “Upgrade your (Network) Mathematica Japanese Edition for Sites license".
Please click the link in the body of the email to update your activation key.
You do not need to do this if you do not want to install the new version.